Monday, July 20, 2009
What is the Redfish School of Change?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Talent Show Videos!
And here is the link to the Sally Sahore Redfish Love Song + Lyrics
Still feeling that Redfish withdrawal...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Pictures and Videos
Sorry for all the scenery pictures!
Here are links to some of the music videos we made as well
Stream Song
Gratitude and Joy Got Me a Watch
Water Privitization
As you can see, I've been having a ton of fun!
-Salimah "Silly-mah"
Monday, June 1, 2009
Last Night at the Little Slocan Lodge
It's our last night at the Lodge. This place has provided us with so much and as exciting as it is to be heading to the river to start our paddle it is hard to leave.
The morning light on the front porch with a cup of coffee and the Colombian ground squirrels. The "classroom" which was also the living room and the dining room and the music/dance room and the yoga room and..........The kitchen always pumping out good food. The river that provided us with clean fresh water and an abundance of power (micro Hydro damn). The surrounding forest full of new friends and wild edibles. Bunk beds, guitars, swallows, and a burgeoning sense of belonging here.
The Learning has been one part the classroom book type and many parts this magical place, and the amazing people that live and love and work and play here.
I am full of gratitude for the opportunity to stay here for long enough to make friends with the place and I am truly looking forward to coming back here.
Wild Foods Dinner
(Alla, Lara and Trina serve up the wildfoods dinner)
End of Week 2
The past week has been full of excitement, hard work, and new experiences. We started off the week with a workshop called "The Practice of Leading Change" with George Meier, a leadership coach in New Denver. Part of our course work includes developing a community action project, and George's workshop helped us gain some focus and do some planning for the future.
The next day, we headed down to the trailhead in Slocan City for the 8 km hike that launched our 3 day backpacking trip into Valhalla Provincial Park. On the hike, we had a chance to marvel at the incredibly diverse Interior Hemlock Forest, passing over several rockfalls, traversing beautiful sub-alpine meadows lush with spring wildflowers, and over gurgling mountain streams.
Camping at Evans Beach, we had the unique priviledge of being able to drink from an untainted stream and relax on the shore of Slocan Lake.
On Wednesday, we worked on a bioregional lab in the midst of the forest, learning how to work a compass and other field equipment. In the evening, special guests from Wildsight and The Land Conservancy gave us an insider's look at successful environmental initiatives in the West Kootenays, including designating the "Valhalla Mile" as a protected area.
Thursday was a long day of hiking back to the trailhead, and Friday and Saturday were focused on lectures and coursework. On Saturday afternoon, our group headed into Nelson for a guest panel of local community activists and change makers. The session, called "It Takes All Kinds" gave us a sense of the different kinds of approaches exist in trying to initiate positive environmental and social change.
~ Alla
Friday, May 22, 2009
Where are we going?
The Redfish School of Change runs May 18–June 26, 2009. The program begins in the Slocan Valley of British Columbia and ends in Victoria. Click here for a map of the region.
Follow us on our adventures:
May 17: Arrival at Little Slocan Lodge in West Kootenays May 18: Program begins in the Slocan Valley
May 18– June 1: Activities, workshops, field trips and wilderness adventures throughout the West Kootenays, based from the Little Slocan Lodge
June 2: Group travel by bus to Hope
June 3–8: Voyageur canoe trip down Fraser River from Hope to Vancouver with various stops and guests along the way
June 9: Group travel to Victoria
June 10–15: Activities, workshops and field trips based at the University of Victoria
June 16–18: Wilderness marine trip
June 19– 26: Activities, workshops and field trips based at Pearson College
June 26: Program ends in Victoria
Why call it the Redfish School of Change?
(Originally posted on the website)
The Chinese see the redfish as a sign of good fortune and prosperity. Poems of Celtic origin depict the redfish as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Of course, Dr. Seuss knew a redfish, and indeed it is a common term for many fish: the deep-sea Sebastes, the reef-dwelling snappers, the slimeheads or roughies, and the alfonsinos.
Redfish comes from the native word Kokanee, which is a landlocked cousin of the sockeye salmon found in the interior of British Columbia — where this field school begins its journey, in the Slocan Valley. Sockeye salmon are an icon in British Columbia, and those that spawn in the Fraser River are endangered. As the program makes its run down the Fraser River from Hope to Vancouver, we explore the past, present and future of this watershed.
As a school of change, we are a community seeking to learn from the ways of nature and patterns of history, and to live the possibilities of a better future. Creating change is a journey much like swimming upstream: it involves leaping up waterfalls, navigating past nets, and stopping to rest for awhile in an eddy. Creating change takes many strategies and some creative thinking. It means working alone and within the larger group that is walking the same path. It also means journeying back home to initiate new ideas, challenges and solutions.
Redfish Name Results Revealed
Today, Rudy participated in an afternoon long outdoor lab with the Slocan River Streamkeepers, helping to sample dissolved oxygen, stream flow velocity, and the benthic insects in the stream as indicators of stream health.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What not to do when you see a bear
Joy took up the CHALLENGE and walked up the hill first (bear spray in hand). Luckily the bear had left when we got to the top.
When we got back to the lodge and recounted the story, our instructors did not find our tale so amusing. Evidently when you encounter a bear the last thing you should do is run. You are actually supposed to make yourself as tall as possible and let the bear know you are there! This was actually explained to us that morning, however, our flight instinct overcame us.
Well, the experience for us was very valuable, not only did we have a close encounter, and the adrenaline was great, but we also learned what not to do next time we go on a bear search!
All joking aside, this is one of the great things about learning in an outdoor environment. As a group we've had 5 encounters with bears on this trip, something that would never occur in any other learning environment. As Enviromental Studies students, its very special to have these encounters with such magnificent and beautiful animals which are very much threatened by encroaching development.
Week One
The Incredible Adventures of Redfish
On Day 1 of the program, in addition to meeting each other, we also became acquainted with our little Redfish mascot. Focusing on making on decisions in community, we decided on a d0t-mocracy system to determine his new name.
We decided to develop a "show name" - the formal, official title for our venerable fishy friend. The "barn name" is our commonly used familiar name for our dear mascot.
Here are the options! Stay tuned for updates on the group's final decision.
Show names:
Mr. Fishy
MC - Squish
Reginald Redfish
Lord Thaddeus
Ichthy Rojo
Sir Toppenhat
Larry the Cable Fish
Barn names:
Luna (famous orca)
Row(e) Jo(e)
Redd (salmon egg sac)
Welcome to the Redfish School of Change Blog!
The Redfish School of Change is a non-profit program designed for people who want to lead the way in creating ecological sustainability and social equity in their communities.
The inaugural year of the Redfish School of Change started on May 17 at Little Slocan Lodge in the West Kootenays. While participating in this intensive six-week field school, our group of 16 students, 3 intrepid instructors and special guests along the way will travel from the mountains of the Slocan Valley to the marine coast of southern Vancouver Island. We will visit innovative sites and engage with experts in the field of environmental and social justice. We will explore the wilderness of Valhalla Provincial Park, and witness the changing nature of the Fraser River as we paddle from Hope to Vancouver. We will learn critical skills for creating positive change, putting them into practice during and after this unique program.
Living and learning with 15 other participants, each of the students will endeavour to develop the capacity and confidence to be agents of change in our community on the issues that matter most.
Follow our blog for updates and photos from program participants, instructors and special guests as we continue on our journey.